A comprehensive resource for safe and responsible laser use
Norway: Registration now required for laser pointer possession and use
Norway has restricted possession and use of Class 3R, 3B and 4 laser pointers (over 5 milliwatts in power), starting 1 Jan. 2011. The Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority (NRPA) took the action because of aircraft illumination incidents and cases where young people received eye injuries after playing with the laser pens.
Under the new regulations, a laser pointer is defined as “a handheld laser, battery-operated or otherwise self-powered, designed to be held in the hand and pointing at something in the distance.”
NRPA’s restrictions on use do not appear to apply to use inside a private home. However, permission is required if the laser is to be aimed out the window of a home.
Links (in Norwegian; use Google Translate or similar as necessary)
General notice from NRPA
Laser pointer regulations and application (PDF document)
Thanks to Arild Instebø for bringing this to our attention
Highlights of the Norwegian regulations, and the application for laser possession, are below (click on the “Read More...” link).
Under the new regulations, a laser pointer is defined as “a handheld laser, battery-operated or otherwise self-powered, designed to be held in the hand and pointing at something in the distance.”
NRPA’s restrictions on use do not appear to apply to use inside a private home. However, permission is required if the laser is to be aimed out the window of a home.
Links (in Norwegian; use Google Translate or similar as necessary)
General notice from NRPA
Laser pointer regulations and application (PDF document)
Thanks to Arild Instebø for bringing this to our attention
Highlights of the Norwegian regulations, and the application for laser possession, are below (click on the “Read More...” link).
Below are excerpts from the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority regulation 1380 (English machine translation by Google Translate)
Regulation 29 October 2010 No. 1380 on Radiation Protection and Use of Radiation (Radiation Protection Regulations) came into force on 1 January 2011, and is sanctioned by law, 12 May 2000 No. 36 on Radiation Protection and Use of Radiation (Radiation Protection Act).
The weakest laser pen can be used for purposes of teaching in or out various demonstrations. It is not known that laser pointers that are stronger than approx. 20 milliwatts can be used for anything useful. The effect of laser pointers used to point out constellations and like at night, should not exceed a maximum of 20 milliwatts. The reason is that the beam can destroy the night vision of the spectators so that they can no longer perceive weak starlight.
Although the weak laser pen (also laser class 2) can be illegal when they are part of toy or marketed as toys. This emerges from the Toy Regulations § 11 It has been several tragic accidents involving children and young people have permanent eye damage after playing with lasers.
Public space is a physical area that everyone has access to, such as roads, in nature, shops, schools, restaurants, sports fields, etc. Since the laser beam can be harmful long-distance, the provision for the area that can be taken by the laser. It will therefore involve the requirement for approval to use a laser pointer in a private room if you point out of the room through a window. To possess a laser pointing means to have it with him, for such as in pocket, purse or keeping it in your hand. This also applies if it is in transport.
When the application for approval for laser pointers, requires radiation protection regulations § 10 that shall be made in writing, and § 9 provides NRPA opportunity to set conditions for approval. We have prepared an application form. Below is given some advice for filling in this. It says also the conditions under which the NRPA will focus on when reviewing the application. We do note that the Radiation Protection Authority may revoke approvals are given (§ 11).
Laser Pointers of the older model may be incomplete mark or designed in another way than that required for laser standard.
- If it is clearly marked on the appliance in manual or accompanying papers like the Laser class 3R, 3B or 4 "(or in English or German), there is reason to believe that this is true and you have to promote an application for approval (see below) if plan to have or use it in public space.
- If it is not marked or labeled in a different manner than that required in laser standard, one cannot assess the risk belongs to the laser, and NRPA will not give approval. Then it is best to get rid of it properly show through the recycling schemes that apply to electrical equipment of this type.
- If you do not have approval for a laser pointer that can be in one of the Laser classes that requires approval, it will be illegal to take it out of your own home or bright in public space. NRPA WARN against allowing the laser pointers that can represent a danger to others, be such that they are accessible to unauthorized persons, especially children. It would be safest to get rid of these lasers in a responsible manner.
If you have a laser pointer, you must also be aware that the resale or other form of transfer must be done in a responsible manner. This follows from the Radiation Protection Act, § 5 For approval subject to laser pointers implies the requirement of reliability that you need to ask relevant approval before the transfer.
Make sure to get approval before going to purchase a laser pointer. It is easy to obtain equipment by, for example, purchases over the Internet, but it will not always be legal goods you get in. If you import the laser itself, you must ensure that there is a legitimate type of laser. See the application form to determine what information you must provide the laser. The use of the laser must also meet several requirements, some of which are mentioned in the last chapter of this guide. Radiation Protection Regulations, § 5 [immediately below] requires justification and optimization, which is essential when using strong sources of radiation.
§ 5 Eligibility and optimization
Any use of radiation should be justified. For radiation to be justified, it shall benefits by allowing radiation to be greater than the disadvantages radiation may cause. Furthermore, radiation to be optimized, ie the radiation exposure should be kept as low as practical, social and economic factors taken into account (ALARA principle - As Low As Reasonably Achievable).
An applicant for approval must provide a reason for the acquisition and the need to have a laser pointer corresponding class 3R, 3B or 4 It should also state the purpose of using can be achieved by the use of alternative means, such as laser pointers or weaker in a way that leads to reduced exposure. Useful use must be documented.
Usually, the NRPA claim written certificate from the employer if you need a laser pointer in a job such as involves teaching. For hobby use must also be documented and explained the need for example, through membership in the union engaged in astronomy, etc. Application in writing to the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, PO Box 55, 1332 Østerås, or by e-mail to nrpa@nrpa.no.
Manufacturers of lasers have a number of duties as described in the laser standard (EN 60825-1). All duties are described in Section 6.1, and information should be provided on request to suppliers and others (Chapter 6.2). The producer is obliged to inform the security aspects, including approval requirement, because the provisions of the laser standard should be followed (§ 35 of the Radiation Protection Regulations, quoted above).
Individual (name of applicant - must be 18 years ):_______________________________________________
Company / business :____________________________________
Company registration number: ____________________________
For business: Radiation coordinator - name :_________________
Type of laser is sought: __________________________________
Laser class, classified according to EN 60825-1 (tick):
Manufacturer: _________________________________________
Energy: ______________________________________________
Color (wavelength): _____________________________________
Model number / serial number :_____________________________
Application (tick one or more):
Teaching, outdoor
Indoor use in the demonstration / teaching
Other (specify): ____________________________________
Documentation that can confirm a need for a laser pointer stronger than Class 2: (employment as teaching staff, membership in the association, other)
Describe the purpose and what is attached as proof: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
Why can’t a laser class 2 (typical energy below 1 mW) be used for this purpose?: ______________________________________________________
Planned security measures that are adapted to the use and the appropriate laser class, cf. guide No. 12: Guidelines for safe use of powerful laser pointers: _______________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________
Signature: _______________________