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US: Cleveland bans lasers from area around convention; guns are allowed
Lasers, light bulbs, tennis balls, hammocks and toy guns are among 72 items the public is banned from possessing in a 3.3 square mile “event zone” surrounding the site of the July 18-21 2016 Republican National Convention. However, the public is permitted to openly carry real guns in the area.
The prohibition lasts from July 18 through July 22. The list of items was first published by the city of Cleveland as part of regulations issued May 25 2016.
In the list, some items have specific descriptions, such as a restriction on “Lumber larger than 2” in width and 1⁄4” thick, including supports for signs” or “Umbrellas with metal tips.” For lasers, the list simply bans “Lasers;” there is no additional description such as allowing lasers under a certain size or power output.
The general public can possess a banned item if it is used in a workplace or at a home within the restricted zone, and if the item is used within the business or home.
The public is allowed to have guns in the event zone due to an Ohio state law allowing open carry by licensed gun owners. The event zone covers most of downtown Cleveland.
A much smaller security zone inside the convention arena, under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service, has banned guns.
From Wired and Q13 Fox. The city of Cleveland regulations are here. Click the “Read More…” link for a map of the event zone and the complete list of 72 banned items.
The prohibition lasts from July 18 through July 22. The list of items was first published by the city of Cleveland as part of regulations issued May 25 2016.
In the list, some items have specific descriptions, such as a restriction on “Lumber larger than 2” in width and 1⁄4” thick, including supports for signs” or “Umbrellas with metal tips.” For lasers, the list simply bans “Lasers;” there is no additional description such as allowing lasers under a certain size or power output.
The general public can possess a banned item if it is used in a workplace or at a home within the restricted zone, and if the item is used within the business or home.
The public is allowed to have guns in the event zone due to an Ohio state law allowing open carry by licensed gun owners. The event zone covers most of downtown Cleveland.
A much smaller security zone inside the convention arena, under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service, has banned guns.
From Wired and Q13 Fox. The city of Cleveland regulations are here. Click the “Read More…” link for a map of the event zone and the complete list of 72 banned items.
The Cleveland event zone, where lasers and 71 other items are banned during the 2016 Republican National Convention. Map from the city of Cleveland, via Wired.
According to CNN, here is the list of 72 items banned by the city of Cleveland in the event zone:
- Lumber larger than 2 inches in width and 1/4 of an inch thick, including supports for signs
- Metal, plastic, or other hard material larger than 3/4 quarters thick and 1/8 of an inch in wall thickness including pipe and tubing
- Air rifles
- Air pistols
- Paintball guns
- Blasting caps
- Switchblade knives
- Automatic knives
- Knives having a blade 2.5 inches in length or longer
- Cestuses
- Billy clubs
- Blackjacks
- Swords
- Sabers
- Hatchets
- Axes
- Slingshots
- BB guns
- Pellet guns
- Wrist shots
- Metal knuckles
- Nun chucks
- Mace
- Iron buckles
- Axe handles
- Shovels
- Fireworks
- Rockets
- Sound amplification equipment
- Drones and other unmanned aircraft systems
- Containers of bodily fluids
- Aerosol cans
- Pepper Spray and other chemical irritants
- Umbrellas with metal tips
- Water guns
- Water cannons
- Ropes in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Chains in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Cables in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Strappings in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Wires in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Strings in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Lines in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Tapes in lengths greater than 6 feet
- Glass bottles
- Ornaments
- Light bulbs
- Ceramic vessels
- Padlocks
- Bicycle locking devices
- Chain locks
- Gas masks
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Sleeping pads
- Mattresses
- Cots
- Hammocks
- Bivy sacks
- Stoves
- Coolers
- Ice chests
- Backpacks and bags exceeding the size of 18″ x 13″ x 7″
- Lasers
- Non-plastic containers, bottles, cans, or thermoses
- Ladders
- Grappling hooks
- Sledgehammers
- Hammers
- Crowbars
- Canned goods
- Tennis balls