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Northern Ireleand: Laser pen aimed at police helicopter during youth disorder
14 Aug 2019 -- Categories: Aviation incidents
During a disturbance of about 30-40 youths in Londonderry on August 12 2019, a laser pen was aimed at a Police Service of Northern Ireland helicopter. A PSNI spokesperson said the light was "endangering both the crew and local residents."
During the disorder, young teens threw dozens of petrol bombs, paint bombs, bricks and bottles at police patrols, and burned a barricade. It was the third night of the incidents when the PSNI helicopter was targeted.
From ITV News, Derry Journal
During the disorder, young teens threw dozens of petrol bombs, paint bombs, bricks and bottles at police patrols, and burned a barricade. It was the third night of the incidents when the PSNI helicopter was targeted.
From ITV News, Derry Journal
Northern Ireland: Londonderry man arrested for aiming laser pen at police helicopter
14 Feb 2012 -- Categories: Aviation incidents | Arrests
A 20-year-old Londonderry man was arrested February 11 2012 for aiming a laser pen at a police helicopter. The unnamed man was arrested for an offense under the Air Navigation Order, and also for a separate count of possession of a Class B substance, according to a police spokesperson.
From the Derry Journal
From the Derry Journal